Mayumi·Gumi Ipad Case

Mayumi Gumi Ipad Case

Available for a limited time (but may return), the beautiful Mayumi·Gumi iPad case inspired by the Mayumi art for the 2013 Nisei Week Japanese Cultural Festival…


Mayumi on the Big Screen!

When Mayumi landed in sunny Los Angeles, it was only a matter of time before Hollywood came-a-pawing at her door…namely the door to her beautiful resort hotel and gardens on Wilshire / Rodeo…requesting that Mayumi star in her own semi-reality show…The Mayumi Gumi Power Hour! 

Filmed in glorious 2D, the show follows the amazing kawaii adventures of Mayumi and her Gumi (posse/gang) as they try and navigate their way through the strange culture that is LA…

Trailer Premiere at ANIME EXPO – July 3rd, 6pm – opening ceremonies!

Mayumi at Mann's Chinese Theater

Coming soon to a small and large screen near you…Mayumi’s very own animated TV show…filmed in glorious 2D!

Mayumi & Green Tea (ocha) お茶

抹茶 Green Tea Ocha - Mayumi Gumi

What could be more delicious then having a sip of fresh green tea then having little Mayumi-chan looking right back at you? (*⌒▽⌒*)θ~♪…I think we got some lipstick on her face by accident though  ლ(´﹏`ლ) ごめんなさい

Happy Chinese New Year! 恭禧發財!

MeiMei Chinese New Year of the Horse

It’s the beginning of another wonderful year on the Lunar Calendar! This time – we are celebrating the YEAR of the HORSE  (馬 午) yay! And all the way from the “Delicious Kingdom” Floating Restaurant is MeiMei – Mayumi’s dear friend from Shanghai – wishing all of you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year, filled with lots of sweets, love (´∀`)♡ and delicious Dim Sum (點心)! (º﹃º):.*೨

Mayumi “DIY” Origami! 折り紙

test Hola tomodachi, please feel free to download and make some great shapes and designs out of our kawaii DYI (do it yourself) Mayumi Gumi Origami (digital) papers! ~(=^‥^)_旦~ You can learn to make many different types of origami but here is a simpler crane which many of us are familiar with: Origami Crane – you can also download a higher res version of the whole collection in a convenient zip folder right here: Mayumi Gumi Origami V.1







Love Love


.jay I want to eat buldak








Hi Jay can you see me?

Mayumi walks the red carpet

Mayumi Gumi walking the red carpet - licensing expo

Mayumi looking to make new friends at the Licensing Expo in Las Vegas! ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚